Heterogeneity has been an indispensable aspect of distributed computing throughout the history of these systems. Because making use of real infrastructure (such as those offered by the public cloud providers) for benchmarking the performance of heterogeneous machines, for different applications, with respect to different objectives, and under various workload intensities is cost- and time-prohibitive, we have developed an open-source simulation tool, called E2C, in our HPCC Lab. E2C will enable researchers and practitioners to study any type of heterogeneous (or homogeneous) computing system and measure the performance under various system configurations. E2C has an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) that offers the following features:
(i) Simulating a heterogeneous computing system
(ii) Defining workload scenarios with various intensities
(iii) Implementing a newly developed scheduling method and plugging it into the system
(iv) Measuring energy consumption and other output-related metrics
(v) Powerful visual aspects to ease the learning curve for students
Potential users of E2C can be undergraduate and graduate students in computer science/engineering, researchers, and practitioners. This project is mainly the result of Ali Mokhtari’s effort. However, several other HPCC Lab members have contributed to its development too.
E2C code is available for download at the following address:
The manual document on how to install and run E2C and its full documentations are available at:
The video resources for E2C are in this YouTube Channel.